Let’s explore our simultaneous battle for Diversity and Homogeny
Wow … it almost sounds like I’m going to attempt writing a scholarly article. But, alas, no. Sorry, I’m not sure where “alas” came from. I’m pretty sure it’s the first time I’ve ever thought “alas,” let along written it. It’s been a tough day.
Now, “Diversity” is a loaded word. It makes people want to draw lines and to fight. But, it’s the right word, so I will use it. For the sake of conversation let me define “Diversity” in practical, regular people terms … As you may know, I’m kind of known as the guy to takes broken down things, fixes them and gives them a new lease on life. I kind of like being known for that. In order to be that person I need a “diverse” array of tools — paint rollers, power tools, screwdrivers, torque wrenches, ratchets, axes … I have a lot of tools and I’ll probably have to buy another new tool for my next project. The moral of the story … I need diversity in my toolbox to fix and build things. A gigantic swill army knife won’t do it. Apologies to the Swiss.
I look at people in the same way I look at my tools. If we have a shot at ever fixing the world’s problems, we’re going to need lots of very specialized people to complete the job. We need people with logical minds, empathetic minds, creative minds, organizational minds, practical minds … You get the point. We’re never going to get anything difficult done without diversity. We need each other. And, I think that’s on purpose. It’s how humans were designed. Maybe you want to argue the “designed” part, but I doubt it’s enough not to prevent us from reasoning together. So, let’s talk about the second part — Homogeny.
Sorry, I couldn’t think of a better word. Like “alas,” I don’t think I’ve ever written this word. But, it’s a good one. So, I’ll use it. Let’s define Homogeny as “the same.” When you homogenize milk, you make it so that it doesn’t separate into parts in the jug. When you pour a glass, it’s all the same consistency and color from top to bottom. I don’t know anybody who likes chunky milk. But, I’m guessing that few will champion the cause that “Everyone should be the same!” But I think that’s exactly what’s happening …
It doesn’t take much imagination to see that this is where A.I. is taking us. If you’re a champion of it, you might say, “A.I is the great equalizer!” I wold say it’s the “great homogenizer.” With a couple of keystrokes, or maybe just with your voice anyone can be a coder, writer, photographer, graphic designer, film maker, philosopher, strategist, analyst, economist, inventor, actor, model, motivational speaker, composer, comic, mathematician, supermodel … In other words, A.I. in its ultimate expression, promises to make us all the same. And, if we’re all the same … do we really need anybody. Heck, A.I. is already marketed as a great companion. We don’t really even need a human to have a conversation with.
Now … I am a fiction writer. And, it’s easy for me to go farther … like, If we’re all the same and don’t need anybody, how many people do we really need? What kinds of people do we need? Smart ones? Why? If we can look up anything, couldn’t we get away with dumb ones — people who don’t ask questions. Pretty and handsome ones? Be careful, they’re going to want to breed. But, maybe you could prevent that. I know … Yikes, right.
So … which one is it going to be? Will we fight for Diversity or Invent for Homogeny? Or, somehow, both?