“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” are wise words for life AND foolishness to someone designing the cover of…
I look up to a lot of people, for a lot of reasons. One of those people is a Cannibal…
Let’s explore our simultaneous battle for Diversity and Homogeny Wow … it almost sounds like I’m going to attempt writing…
I’ve built bikes and other rides for lots of people — from blue-collar folks to leaders of tech start-ups, to…
I do a lot of things. My favorite is writing fiction. Like most hobbies, I have lots of time and…
Let’s talk some more about my hair brained “Invent around the counter trend” concept. In a nutshell, it says ……
It’d be trendy to write this with AI. Crafting it from beautiful bits from the very best of the internet,…
This table was coin operated and saw a LOT of use. It was inoperable for a lot of reasons. The table top was long gone, replaced by a piece of OSB, painted green. Being a flat board, of course the ball would have gotten stuck in the corners and been no fun to play. Also, it was structurally unsound (wobbly), missing a couple of handles and a bunch of guys. It was also played for a time without the correct bearings — so, the holes the rods run in had to be sorted. Some things weren’t “technically” bad, but were made out of lesser materials. While everything up top was solid maple, underneath, most of the structure was particle board that had lost its integrity over the past 50 years of play.
I’m not famous. Or even Fame-ish. Fame-ish-ish at best—and only in certain, super small circle of weirdos like me. With…